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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

My Egg. Do not Sit!

This year I am working on series of microorganism related to human rights.

The one that you see here is my contribution to the debate about women's freedom in Ireland. As of today women in Ireland are legally confined in making choices about their bodies and their families. We cannot terminate unwanted pregnancy.  I strongly disagree that someone else what is best for me and those who are closest to me.  And I am confident that choices made out of religious prejudices are never of the interest of anyone else, So here I am. Simply sitting and holding my egg in my lap, thinking of what makes us stand as one. I have put my One hat- we are all children one humanity. Each of us is also the best keeper of our own well being. So let me make my choices. I know how to choose the lesser evil. Do you?

A textile sculpture of a human egg in the process of fertilisation that contributes to the debate about ownership, choice and human rights. Who owns a woman’s egg?

The shape is inspired by a microscopic photo of a human egg. The multi-layered textile object encompasses both solid and hollow shapes that are intertwined together. The sculpture uses warm colours associated with beginnings and round shapes both as negative and positive spaces using various textile making methods: shibori, lace, nunofelt and solid felt. Colour, shape and methods unite to further emphasise the depth and complexity of the arguments the piece embodies. The artist’s stance is expressed in the mount. It looks like

a vessel, in this case a chair, but the artist’s instructions are to not use it in this way. It is Not Your Vessel. The owner has expressed their desire. It is also made delicately so that you cannot actually sit on it. You will break it if you 

do. The choice stays with you.

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